Faith Formation
According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), "the Church's catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel." It is more than simply religious instructions, but a lifelong process of growing in one's faith in order to be a disciple of Jesus. Our Parish has many ministries, programs, and resources to enable individuals to grow in their faith.
Our religions education programs are available to our elementary school children and Youth Group to parishioners in high school. Please contact our Parish Office to learn more. Our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) program is vibrant and meets throughout the year. To learn more, please see our OCIA page.
The parish has purchased a subscription for ALL parishioners to FORMED. FORMED provides the very best Catholic content (movies, videos, audiobooks, programs, etc.) from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere.
1. Go to:
2. Select "SIGN UP” button
3. Select "Sign up as a parishioner".
4. Type in "Immaculate Conception Saint Joseph Parish" and it will find our Leavenworth parish.
5. Click "Next" and enter your name and email address and you will be signed in.
For subsequent visits to FORMED.ORG, select "SIGN IN" at the upper right of the main screen. Formed will either “remember” your computer and sign you in automatically, or request that you enter your email address. If you are required to enter your email address, they will send a login link to your email. Select the link in the email and you will be logged in.
Resources from the USCCB