Liturgical Ministries
Altar Angels
Altar Angels ministry is devoted to cleaning and ironing purificators, corporals, and towels used for the celebration of Mass, along with light dusting of the church, cleaning and maintaining the holy water fonts and other miscellaneous duties. Time involved at the church takes approximately one hour every seven weeks, generally along with a partner as well as taking home the altar linen to wash and iron and return at a later date. We are always looking for new volunteers.
Altar Servers, Lectors, and Ushers
Our Masses are supported by several ministries including Altar Servers, Lectors, and ushers. We encourage all of our Youth in grades 4-12 to consider becoming an Altar Server. You must be Catholic and have received your First Communion. You must be enrolled in Catholic School or in CCD, be willing to serve, and be dependable. We likewise need Lectors to proclaim the Word at Mass and Ushers to greet and assist parishioners, visitors, and newcomer.
Altar Societies
We have 2 Altar Societies....
For more information about the Immaculate Conception Altar Society, contact Susan Aaron at xxxxxx. For more information about the St. Joseph Altar Society, contact Jane Stucker at xxxxx..
Religious Education (CCD)
The Parish conducts religions education for our Youth from kindergarten through 8th grade in our CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) program. We are always looking for adults to serve as teachers or post-Confirmation teens to serve as assistants.

The Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Parish Music Ministry provides many opportunities for you to serve others by leading the sung prayer at weekly Mass and other liturgies. Music Ministers serve as choir members, cantors, keyboard players, or other instrumentalists. Contact our Music Coordinator, Theresa Vitt, at 913-682-3953 or tvitt@icsj.org to inquire and volunteer in any of these ways.